Piccolo Me features: a Roy Wonka special (Nerdtella Bomb)

Happy days at Piccolo Me! Firstly, a few thank you’s are in order.

Thank you Mr. Roy “Wonka” for your fabulous creation, and letting me have the opportunity to try this out a week ahead of the crowd! And thank you coffee buddies: Lynette – for being the 1st to try the Nutella coffees with me at 8am in the morning on your vacation, and Haruka for training-in every few mornings at 8am from your home far far away…


from July 1st, Piccolo Me presents: Nerdtella bomb

From July 1st, we will be able to treat ourselves to the wonderful Nerdtella Bomb! All part of the “healthy breakfast dessert” movement I’m trying out.

Chocolate comes from cocoa, which comes from a tree.
Therefore chocolate counts as salad.

The same can be said about the hazelnut in Nutella and the coffee beans in coffee. Then there’s sugar and milk, which is what desserts are made of. So we now have the whole “dessert” bit covered. And “breakfast” since it’s the 1st meal of the day.

I did get breakfast this week. Piccolo Me is doing a $2 toast promo, with coffee, the day I was there [Wednesday]. I’m not sure if how long it will be for, but I love toast! A lovely sourdough with grains. Mmmm jam, butter, give it to me now!



Coffee is great. Coffee is fantastic any time of the day. Caffeine doesn’t bother me, it worries me a little that I can sleep well even after a pot of jasmine tea, but at least this means I can enjoy coffee any time of the day. Coffee is social. Coffee with friends can be a quick 15min event or a 3hr long catch up. It can be for work meetings, or a date leading to dinner. I love coffee. See that extra takeaway cup there? That’s mine. My little extra to take with me when I finish my sit-in coffee. Also, it’s the best way to continue enjoying Nutella coffee after leaving, and not having my little cup of coffee end up being too sweet.


Breakfast for 2

I’ve never been that big a fan of having anything put into my coffee. I drink cappuccino or espresso straight, no sugar. But by calling this a “breakfast dessert”, it changes thing. At least for me it does. Candy in my coffee! Candy candy candy! I think at this point in time, someone should stop me and say “Charlene sweetie, I think you had a little too much caffeine and sugar”. But no one is stopping me, so I shall continue!


Nerdtella bomb with a side of coffee

So dip it in! Try it!!


Nerdtella pop, sliding it’s way into the coffee.

After warming the Nutella up a little, the nerds will start sliding off. I find that with the nerds in my coffee, it made it a little more acidic, but I get nerds with my coffee! I would scoop up all the nerds, and just eat it all up, crunchy crunchy nerds. Nerds in a box, nerds on a rope, give me nerds any day!


Coffee with chocolate shavings and nerds in all it’s glory.

I don’t usually post people pics in my blog, but here is one of me and Haruka taking selfies before popping the Nerdtella pops into our coffees.


Me and Haruka with our lovely Nerd-tella pops…

According to Piccolo Me’s instagram account, it seems like we will be looking forward to tons of new and fun specials! Some of the hints include “popping candy”, “blackforest” and “turkish delight”. I’m looking forward to them all!

Original Piccolo Me post: Nutellabomb, click here. And my next PIccolo Me post: Kramer Bomb

My original image for the Nerdtella Bomb is on Huffington Post! thank you Sara Boboltz! Big yay!
Another article with the photo! on Complex City Guide by Julian Kimble.
And on Grubstreet by Hugh Merwin another article. Thank you too!

The original reddit post I made for the Nerdtella Bomb on Reddit!

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All Piccolo Me locations

Sydney City

10 Bridge St, Sydney CBD 2000
02 9252 3794
Fax: 02 9252 3794
Catering: http://www.ecater.com.au/piccolome

1 Castlereagh St, Sydney CBD 2000
02 9221 0547
Fax: 02 9221 0547
Catering: http://www.ecater.com.au/piccolome

Macquarie University

 Australin Hearing Hub,
16 Univeristy ave, Macquarie University
Catering: http://www.ecater.com.au/piccolome

Norwest / Baulkhim Hills

58 Norwest Boulevard, Baulkhim Hills
Pop up coffee kart

62 Norwest Boulevard, Baulkhim Hills
